Jonathan Baktari, MD

Jonathan Baktari, MD

Company Name and Title: US Drug Test Centers, Chief Executive Officer

Why are you interested in this organization? I believe that the drug testing industry has a lot of room for growth related to technology. I am interested in this organization because as a member of the drug & alcohol testing community, I think it is very important that there is an ease of use for companies both DOT and NON DOT, to be able to schedule a drug test quickly (as needed), manage random drug & alcohol testing, have a database that stores all records that are easy to find when needed, provide audit assistance and more. I think that I could help our industry with my forward thinking for advancements in technology.

Please describe industry-related knowledge, interests, length of time and expertise that you possess which could benefit the National Drug & Alcohol Screening Association: I have been a triple board-certified Physician in pulmonary care, critical care and internal medicine for more than 25 years. I have been a part of the drug testing industry since 2009, and in 2016, I started my own drug testing TPA company. As I started my own TPA back in 2016, I saw a need for technology to help our industry work smarter, not harder. I think I could bring a wide variety of knowledge and education to NDASA and our members through technology and by growing our industry.

Please tell us about your committee involvement with NDASA, including which committee(s) you serve on currently and your role(s): While I have not served on an NDASA board, I have been a member of many other boards and communities, such as American College of Physicians, American College of Chest Physicians, American Thoracic Society, American Society of Critical Care Medicine. Further, I formerly worked as Medical Director of The Valley Health Systems, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and Culinary Health Fund, and I also have served as clinical faculty for medical schools (including as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at Touro University and as a System Clinical Professor of Medicine at UNLV school of Medicine). In 2019, I was awarded to top tech award for software technology development in the healthcare category. You can learn more at:

Area(s) of expertise/Contribution you feel you can make: I can contribute by educating our members on sales and coaching, sales phone training, utilizing technology to make more sales, etc.