Nick Hartman

Nick Hartman

Company Name and Title: Drug Screening Compliance Institute, Founder and Managing Partner

Relevant experience: I'm an Accredited Drug Screening Industry Consultant (through NDASA), advisor, subject matter expert, professional researcher, trainer, and speaker who has built, implemented, and managed drug-free workplace programs for thousands of employers across the U.S. and abroad. I have been involved with workplace drug screening programs since 2007. I came from the background screening provider arena, where I built a drug screening product offering from the ground up - managing substance abuse screening services for hundreds of clients. I understand the shortfalls of training, information, education, and guidance
that employers need to implement and operate an effective and compliant substance abuse screening program.

Please describe industry-related knowledge, interests, length of time and expertise that you possess which could benefit the
National Drug & Alcohol Screening Association:
- General workplace drug screening program experience - 18 years
- Focus on local, state, and federal drug testing laws, and industry-related case law. - 15 years
- Seasoned educator, trainer, speaker, writer, advocate, consultant, advisor, committee member. - 15 years

Please tell us about your committee involvement with NDASA, including which committee(s) you serve on currently and your

- Employer Rights Committee - I strongly believe in an employer's right to maintain a safe and substance-free workplace.
Substance abuse screening programs play a critical role in maintaining safety, and employers must retain the right to test even in
the face of growing human rights protections, marijuana laws, and other future obstacles.

- Mentorship Committee - I wouldn't be where I am in this industry and my career without my mentor, Bill Judge. I strongly believe
in paying it forward and understand the importance of mentorship in educating, growing, and guiding new members and
prospects of our industry.

- State Affiliates Committee - I am a state affiliate for Washington. I have provided direct input, suggestions, and guidance for
workplace drug screening to lawmakers in Washington, California, Minnesota, Texas, and multiple cities/municipalities.

Area(s) of expertise/Contribution you feel you can make: Providing more insight into city & state drug screening laws, Federal laws, case law, risk management, policy development,
training, education, advocacy, best practices, evolving testing methods and strategies, and much more.