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The success of our association and the ability to serve our members is greatly enhanced when our members are able to serve on NDASA committees.

Help guide NDASA

All members are encouraged to participate in committee membership and should you wish to be a member of one or more committees, please contact NDASA by phone or email. the following email address: Chairman@NDASA.com


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Standing committees

The success of our association and the ability to serve our members is greatly enhanced by the participation of our members and serving on various NDASA Committees.

Committee membership is open to all levels and categories of membership and each committee is chaired by a member. Committee meetings are generally held monthly by teleconference with an in-person committee meeting held at the annual conference. The following is a list of current standing and ad hoc committees. 

To Join a Committee, please contact our Member Relationship Specialist: sarahdavis@ndasa.com

Accreditation Oversight & Review

NDASA is pleased to be able to offer a rigorous accreditation program that requires individuals and organizations to achieve certain standards and core competencies. All applicants are reviewed by an Accreditation Review Board; comprised of respected industry experts. The Accreditation Committee offers several categories to include accreditation for Consortiums and Third Party Administrators (C/TPAs), Collection Sites/Mobile Collectors, Designated Employer Representatives (DER), Substance Abuse Professionals and International Collectors. Learn more

Community Outreach

This committee seeks to provide community-based education regarding substance use, early detection, and resources for strong, safe, healthy kids. The committee is building a resource page for parents and students that will include materials and a train-the-trainer program for NDASA members to provide community outreach. Learn more

Conference Planning

This committee is responsible for the scheduling, agenda, structure, and location of the annual NDASA Industry Conference. Working with the association’s staff and other industry partners, members of this committee play an important role in assuring that the annual conference is a success.      

Executive Committee

As outlined in the NDASA By-Laws, the Executive Committee consists of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Chairman-Elect (when in office). The Executive Director is a non-voting, ad-hoc member. The Executive Committee functions according to the stated By-Laws.           

Governmental Affairs

This committee is responsible for the coordination of NDASA advocacy on behalf of our members on the local, state, and federal levels. Membership advocacy representation includes state legislative initiatives and representation before the Executive and Legislative Branches of the U.S. Government. The Governmental Affairs Committee is also responsible for informing the NDASA membership of all federal legislation and regulatory policies including U.S. Department of Transportation rules and regulations which may affect the nation’s drug and alcohol testing Industry. This committee also coordinates the annual Advocacy Day held in Washington D.C. to ensure that NDASA has a seat at the table when issues affecting our membership and industry are discussed or considered. Learn more

International Council

This committee is charged with coordinating NDASA’s important relationships with the international drug and alcohol testing community. The committee assists in developing international drug and alcohol testing standards, in coordination with existing internationally recognized and established standards. It also ensures that our international members, partners, and allies are represented in NDASA policy and initiatives. The committee strives to make NDASA a recognized resource around the globe. Learn more        

Marketing & Communications         

This committee is charged with the creation and oversight of the processes by which we refine, expand, and promote the NDASA brand across all sectors of the drug and alcohol testing industry, including in non-traditional markets. Members assist with creating innovative and effective member communications across all media platforms regarding NDASA programs, events, actions and activities.                                    

Membership Development

This committee is responsible for membership recruitment, membership benefits and the promotion of NDASA through membership campaigns, membership collateral, speaking engagements and all other responsibilities related to NDASA membership on both the national and International levels. 

Mentorship Program

This committee develops mentoring programs that are based on industry best practices and standards. The committee’s mission is to help NDASA members improve individual and business performance, provide industry guidance, and recommend strategic industry methods that are focused on achieving personal and business excellence. Learn more

Recovery Friendly Workplace

We assist employers in creating and maintaining workplaces that are supportive of current and prospective employees in recovery from, or otherwise affected by, Substance Use Disorder (SUD). We strive to foster a compassionate work environment free from stigma and disenfranchisement while ensuring that the needs of all employees are met without financial strain on employers or employees. Through our supportive, governance, educational, and public activities, we collaborate with employers to establish, maintain, and continually enhance policies and practices that embody the principles of a Recovery Friendly Workplace.

Training & Certification

This committee is responsible for the development of curriculum content for all association training materials and certification programs, including Specimen Collector training and certification, Alcohol Testing Technician training and certification, Designated Employer Representative (DER) training, corporate and individual Good Practices Certification, Train the Trainer accreditation and other professional development programming for our industry. This committee is responsible for revising training programs as required and developing new training programs, as needed. 

Ad Hoc Committees

From time to time, the NDASA Chairman or Board of Directors may appoint an ad hoc committee to address a specific issue affecting our membership or the nation’s drug and alcohol testing industry. An ad hoc committee may be disbanded after submitting a final report or completing its assigned duties. Currently, NDASA  has appointed the following ad hoc committees:    

Employer’s Rights to Test     

This committee makes recommendations to the Governmental Affairs team regarding how changing state laws may impact an employer’s rights to test and creates educational materials for employers regarding best policy practices pertaining to changing state law